Tarlov Cyst

 this is what we call tarlov cyst. and i am so fortunate to have 2 in my spine and lucky enough to have the symptoms (right cyst – around 3cm, left cyst – around 1cm) . Cysts with diameter of over 1.5 cm are more likely to be symptomatic.

aetiology — unknown

pathogenesis — unknown

treatment — conservative with pain killer since surgery is the last last option.

mum and dad, i know both of you are very worried but please STOP discussing about the traditional medicine, the alternative treatment and the berry juice….. with me….

and no need to take turn to call me every single day and ask me the same questions.. just behave like usual, am just fine.. and i won’t tell you how severe is the pain to make you more worry, unless i really need surgery or have not enough money to buy arcoxia.

About 6r5am


Posted on January 22, 2010, in medic life, miserable. Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. hey…take care…

  2. ok..
    no worry friends..
    am still alive..

  3. Sorry to hear this. When were you diagnosed? Hope things turn out ok for you.

  4. being diagnosed last week. initially thought is the herniated nucleus pulposus. who knows the MRI showed tarlov cysts at S1, S2 whereas there was only mild HNP at L4, L5.

    ya.. hopefully, it won’t get bigger.. thanks prof.

  5. fren, jia you
    i’m sure tarlov cyst won’t beat u down
    but ur parents’ concerns certainly annoying u
    i could imaging ur face full with vexed…
    pls stay cool, n take care

  6. mimi, i think ‘annoying’ is not the correct word to use.

    and i memang always cool.. haha

    thx anyway.

  7. Hey sorry to hear of your troubles. I have also got two Tarlov cysts. I would love to read your blog but am having trouble because of the black background. Am wondeing if other people are finding the same.

  8. Hi, im very new to TC (had an MRI show the cyst in 2009 but was told it was nothing and should be ignored despite it being horribly painful then and now) and I’d love to speak with you directly actually. My MRI looks nearly identical to tours with the one bigger cyst there. Seriously it could be almost a twin image. So is love to hear more on your symtoms and situation if u could. I have my Facebook address there so please send me an email or message through there. Is Love to hear more. Thank you!

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