Monthly Archives: January 2010

study week vs photos

well.. i know i should put priority on my bookssssssssssss.. but just can’t help.. the fingers are so gatal to click on ppl’s blogs and photos. and at last, narcissism attack.. i review back the photos i took recently.. kuang kuang kuang..

this is one of my favourite photos during the EAMSC 2010 opening ceremony at KL Tower, but didn’t upload to any of the albums since this was just a snapshoot and not related to the event.


有些人不知道事情背后的真相,就只针对事情的表面, 一味的在骂。。唯恐天下不乱、唯恐天下人不知他的想法是多么的好。。明明就是无知。。

有些人以为自己很聪明,但根本就不知道事情背后的严重性 。。没远见。。


有些东西明明就是紫色,但就死命要把它涂上绿色。。 难道天下人都色盲了吗?



(hmm…太多的有些人了..看来我得罪了很多‘有些人’… 不要诬赖我,我是中立的)



I am a Buddhist, but sadly I am not a good one. Only when there is big trouble ahead which i have no idea how to solve it, when i wanted to pray and hope the best for it, then only i realize how ‘frequent’ i did it and i actually don’t know the exact way and exact words to use. bei1 ai1..

anyway, dear whoever up there and whoever can hear me,  please help my friends to go through all the obstacles (esp tomorrow) and hope that everyone can pass the that can fully enjoy the Chinese New Year and Holidays..

You can’t have a light without a dark to stick it in

this is the product taken and edited by my handphone during workshop to prevent i from falling asleep (even though i fell asleep eventually at the second part).

and i am so bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored…. and decided to upload it now…

Tarlov Cyst

 this is what we call tarlov cyst. and i am so fortunate to have 2 in my spine and lucky enough to have the symptoms (right cyst – around 3cm, left cyst – around 1cm) . Cysts with diameter of over 1.5 cm are more likely to be symptomatic.

aetiology — unknown

pathogenesis — unknown

treatment — conservative with pain killer since surgery is the last last option.

mum and dad, i know both of you are very worried but please STOP discussing about the traditional medicine, the alternative treatment and the berry juice….. with me….

and no need to take turn to call me every single day and ask me the same questions.. just behave like usual, am just fine.. and i won’t tell you how severe is the pain to make you more worry, unless i really need surgery or have not enough money to buy arcoxia.

me as the photographer for 23rd EAMSC Kuala Lumpur 2010

After being the so called ‘Full Time Official Photographer’ for 23rd East Asean Medical Student Conference 2010, then only i realise that it is definitely not easy to be a photographer. Luckily am not working as a photographer, or else i will hate my own interest (esp when everything was so packed and rush). I am really really really tired and exhausted (only slept for 2-3 hrs at night) but it is FUN, especially during the opening ceremony at the KL Tower, the cultural night and enjoy working with En Hasnan and his gang, they are so cool.. lending me his 300mm lens, external flash light, Nikon D300, his Canon G9.. wow..

really thanks Pak nan a lot for helping me so much in covering the parts which am not good at and also the presentation part which crashed with our seminar…

here are some photos of me (narcissism attack.. :p)

and this is the gang.. (except ehem… )

don’t jealous ya after seeing this picture.. lol

for more photos.. please refer to my facebook. :p

breaking bad news

  1. read your patient’s file and know the detail about the disease your patient has.
  2. get a closed and private room to ensure privacy.
  3. prepare tissue paper.
  4. make yourself and patient comfortable.
  5. empathy.
  6. …..

what if, you’re the one who break your own bad news to yourself and also to your family members?? and it is something you never see and never hear before as well as the pathophysiology behind it was unclear, unknown, whatever…

mentally prepared? as a patient or as a person who are going to break the news?

worry? should i worry about it? is it abnormal to be not worried (defense mechanism: isolation)? there is no need to worry about the current condition doesn’t mean that there is no need to worry about its mass effect, progression and future. not to say worry, just to get myself prepare for the day.

or should i think more positively? may be this is a coincidental findings of the MRI and better to know it earlier. or may be one day i will become one of the subject for the CPC, radiology conference.. so have to be proud of it and kembang.

hopefully everything will be fine. but even though it is fine now doesn’t mean that it gonna be fine forever..

.. . ….. …. …
